Friday, September 27, 2013

PTA Work Samples

Below are some logos/images I created while working for PTA!
This is the logo created for the Emerging Leaders Academy - a leadership recruitment tool for identifying and training future PTA leaders.

This logo was created for Membership recruiting purposes, it was created in Illustrator specifically to allow each arrow to be brought out as 3-D for separate literature and was kind of a tricky one, though it seems simple enough.

This logo was created for the Plug In To Nature program, which is a part of the Environmental program.

The logo for the 2013 Summer Leadership Seminar - the theme was "Be PTA" and it had a rock-and-roll, backstage-pass kind of feel to it.
This is the logo for PTA Connection Day, an annual day instituted in 2012 where PTAs from all over Texas call/email/text or use social media to report their membership recruitment for the Fall.

This is just one of the graphics used in the Take Your Dad To School Day program, this was the front of a post card sized literature piece, the back had information on the program and how to get it started at your own school.